Thursday 1 January 2015

Caught the Thought

31st December 2014
As Chandler Bing would say, this is a ' Dear Diary ' moment. Since, I have no diary of my own and also I would rather share my thoughts with my friends and acquaintances than myself alone, here I am, writing to everyone dear to me.
2014 has been to me like water to live skin. Soothing in the summer, cheerful in the rain and too cold in the winter. Those who know me best will know what I mean. I started off the way I am ending this year now. That was, and this is the time when life is giving me lemons and I know not what to make of them, because I have had too much lemonade, in the intervening time.
I may sound dramatic but life has been dramatic for a while. I'm sure, everyone's is, at some point of time or the other. I hope the new year has something better in store for me. But, this is in my hands, isn't it?
Of course, it is.
This year, I was too dependent on the people around me and when they left, I lost my motivation that used to drive me. Hence, I got my first lesson:
Independence of your mind and your heart is both necessary and sufficient for balance in life.
I was also very trusting of a few people. Some broke that trust unknowingly and some did, out of spite. To the people belonging to the latter category, I'm grateful, for they gave me my second lesson:
Never trust anyone but yourself, and you'll find half of your miseries quelled.
My third lesson is of a very special kind, because no matter how simply one puts it for me, I fail to learn:
Never run after something which is not your's to hold. You'll know you are the biggest fool once you lose all in the chase for one.
I really hope that the coming year gives me enough brains to follow this. These three lessons, in a way, have left me as a winner tonight. These lessons, or I can say, facts of life, though simply put, are often overlooked. I've learned them the hard way. My resolution for 2015 would be to remember and make use of them.
Cheers to the perils past and to the good days to come. Wishing that the rate of inflation keeps falling the way it is and that all of you have a great life ahead,
                                                      Happy New Year ;) 

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